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The Physiological Effects Of Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Are you worried about the effect of alcohol on your health?

Consumption of too much alcohol leads to several issues ranging from mental and physical health to personal and professional life problems.

The effect of alcohol is different on each individual and hinges on numerous factors like gender, age and overall health.

As a person drinks alcohol, it streams into the blood through the intestinal lining, circulates to all parts of the body and affects their functioning.

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is a measure of the level of alcohol in the blood.

In an average person, a small glass of full-strength beer increases BAC by 0.02.

Generally, a person is not allowed to drive if their BAC level is equivalent to 0.05 or more.

Against some popular beliefs, taking a cold shower or drinking coffee does not remove alcohol from your system.

Only time is able to bring down one’s BAC, so patience is crucial.

In this article, we will discuss the short-term and long-term impacts of alcohol consumption:

Short-Term Impacts:

1. Hangover.

The first immediate effect of drinking too much alcohol is dry mouth, dizziness, issues with concentration, headache and nausea.

Ethanol is a toxic chemical present in alcohol and which causes dehydration and headaches.

Generally, the hangover symptoms are at their peak when the BAC drops to zero.

2. Alcohol poisoning.

The effects of alcohol start emerging five to ten minutes after its consumption.

It is instantly absorbed into the body mainly through the small intestine.

Alcohol poisoning may occur when the BAC rises to 0.25%-0.39%.

Excessive alcohol consumption in a short period of time can lead to shortness of breath, fluctuations in heart rate and ultimately coma or death.

3. Injuries.

As a person loses consciousness and is unable to concentrate, the chance of injuries and accidents increases manifold.

Long-Term Impacts:

1. Liver & heart problems.

Long-term excessive drinking can cause alcohol-related liver diseases (ARLD).

Studies indicate that around 10-15% of heavy drinkers develop cirrhosis.

Initially, fats accumulate over the liver and lead to its inflammation.

Heavy consumption of alcohol may cause high blood pressure and can block the arteries of the heart.

It may also damages the heart muscles and cause cardiomyopathy.

2. Enhanced risk of cancer.

Drinking too much alcohol may increase the likelihood of different cancers such as cancer of the esophagus, liver, colon or rectum.

3. Obesity.

Alcohol consumption can lead to weight gain and obesity if it creates a calorie surplus.

It may effect a person’s body in a way which makes it is unable to burn calories properly which enhances hunger pangs and food cravings, promoting unhealthy food choices.

4. Depression and suicidal thoughts.

Heavy drinking disturbs the balance of healthy chemicals in the brain.

In the long run, it interferes with the mood of a person and develops increased chances of depression and anxiety.

When depression worsens, the person can develop suicidal tendencies.

5.  Addiction.

Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to addiction.

A person who becomes an alcoholic develops physical and emotional dependence on alcohol.

Alcoholics aiming to quit generally join rehab and go through counseling sessions to recover from the substance abuse.


A person is unable to maintain a healthy lifestyle alongside an excessive consumption of alcohol.

It can be highly detrimental to one’s personal, professional and social life as well as general health.

Always remember to take care of your health and consider the impacts of alcohol before its consumption.

Enjoy responsibly!

Thanks for reading, have a great day.


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