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Can You Run Your Health & Fitness Like A Business?

Many of the clients I work with today either have their own or have a very senior position within a successful business.  As such, one common strategy I use when explaining to them…

Solid Foundations For Long-Term Success

Just imagine for a moment you are given all the money you need to build your dream house.  Feel free to get carried away with how it looks, what luxuries you have in…

Stop Looking For A Diet, Find A Lifestyle

It’s not uncommon to begin your journey towards a leaner, healthier you and look for the ‘in’ diet of the time.  And when I say it’s uncommon I really mean it because in…

Programme Design For Beginners

Knowing what is best to do in the gym can be a minefield.  In today’s social media obsessed world, it’s easy to get distracted by both exercises and workouts that may look great…

If You Want To Lose Weight, Carbs Yes Or No?

One of the most hotly-debated topics within health and fitness is the role of carbohydrates. Can you eat them and lose weight being a discussion that seems to create some controversy and bring all…

Why I Like Having Weekly Goals & Reviews

The qualities it takes to be fit and healthy is no different than what it takes to be successful in other areas of your life. But for some reason, most people don’t think…

Most People Have Time Or Money, Rarely Both

Having worked with hundreds, maybe even over a thousand people over the past 20 years has given me some really invaluable insights into people. During that time I’ve noticed most people usually have…

What Does Performance Mean To You?

Most people hear the word performance and their mind instantly goes to professional level athletes. Therefore, for the majority of the population it can be easy to think ”I can’t relate to that…


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